Welcome - Have Fun Reading

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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

ATTENTION - "New Moon Is Coming Out On November 20th 2009"

Attention to all the twilight lovers out there. I have found out that the New Moon Movie comes out on Novenber 20th 2009. So the end of this year it will come out and end the year of very well for every Twilight Fan's and also New Moon Fan's. If you would like to know more information on the movie go to Stephenie Meyer's website.

Here is a link to her Website: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/newmoon_movie.html

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Daniel P's Blog...

This is Daniel P's Blog. His blog is talking about Top Gear and also some other things. If you like a to read a Blog that is different but also funny this is the Blog for you. so have a look at the blog and have fun reading.
This is the link to Daniel's Blog: http://topgear44.blogspot.com/

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hi everyone this blog is all about the One Tree Hill. i have heard of the show but I am sorry to say I ahve never watched it ever. So if you have watched it please tell me a little more about this show. So if your a big fan of the show you should got to molly's blog. http://fanblogoth.blogspot.com/ use this weblink to get there abd have fun reading all of molly's posts.


Hi, everyone it's week 2. That means 7 weeks left till all the year 10 class at St Philips College go on camp. They will all start to leave about the 15th of july and get back around 4th of August. Not all the students will be leaving on the 15th of july. The first two groups will leave then, the second two groups will leave on the 23rd of july. Guess what? There is going to be at lest on Birhtday on the camp. Say Happy birthday to MacKenzie on the camp. She will be SIXTEEN!!! There are some people SIXTEEN right know so HAPPY BIRTHDAY for all those people, my birthday is 8 days before the first group goes on camp COOL! Sorry for all those people who don't get to have there BIRTHDAY on the camp that would be absolutly COOL! Don't you agree?? So big SHOUT out to MACKENZIE and have a great 16th on the MITTAGUNDI YEAH!! talk to everyone very soon BYE!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reuben's Blog..

This is Reuben's Tech Stuff blog. If you would like to learn more about tech and stuff go to this blog it has every thing you need. Go be this web link: http://reubens-technolog.blogspot.com/

Lena's Blog...

This is Lena's Blog. Her blog is all about Asian Fashion. It is a good website very full.

To visit Lena's blog use this web link:


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Look at Kelli's International Exchange; Canada 09.

This is Kelli's Blog. So have a good look around and find out what she has been doing while on exchange. Leave messages and don't forget to tell her that you miss her.

From everyone here.

KELLI WE MISS YOU LOTS!!!! See you when you get back.

go visit kelli's blog by this web link: http://interexchange09.blogspot.com/

Easter Holidays...

Hi everyone, welcome back from the Easter holidays. hope you enjoyed all the yummy chocolate. Did anyone see the Easter Bilby? I did! so what did you all do over the holidays? Well did anyone go to the cinema? i did, i went and saw The Boat That Rocked if anyone likes a good movie with lots of laughter, this is the best 2hour movie ever. There is a lot of F words about 6 or 7 of them. The movie is about a pirate radio station that is the ocean of the edge of england. But this Radio station is the best Rock and Roll radio station in England. That's all i'm not going to tell any more. So that's all i did during the easter holidays so hope you all have great term 2 and enjoy the movie (if you are going to see it).